17 research outputs found

    Ensuring system integrity and security on limited environment systems

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    Cyber security threats have rapidly developed in recent years and should also be considered when building or implementing systems that traditionally have not been connected to networks. More and more these systems are getting networked and controlled remotely, which widens their attack surface and lays them open to cyber threats. This means the systems should be able to detect and block malware threats without letting the controls affect daily operations. File integrity monitoring and protection could be one way to protect systems from emerging threats. The use case for this study is a computer system, that controls medical device. This kind of system does not necessarily have an internet connection and is not connected to a LAN network by default. Ensuring integrity on the system is critical as if the system would be infected by a malware, it could affect to the test results. This thesis studies what are the feasible ways to ensure system integrity on limited environment systems. Firstly these methods and tools are listed through a literature review. All of the tools are studied how they protect the system integrity. The literature review aims to select methods for further testing through a deductive reasoning. After selecting methods for testing, their implementations are installed to the testing environment. The methods are first tested for performance and then their detection and blocking capability is tested against real life threats. Finally, this thesis proposes a method which could be implemented to the presented use case. The proposal at the end is based on the conducted tests

    Kenen ääni kuuluu?: Vammaisjärjestöjen valta vammaispalvelulain uudistuksessa

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    Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää vammaisjärjestöjen edustajien kokemuksia heidän osallistumis- ja vaikuttamismahdollisuuksistaan keväällä 2023 hyväksytyn vammaispalvelulain uudistusprosessissa. Tutkielman lähtökohtana on YK:n vammaissopimus, joka ohjeistaa ottamaan vammaisjärjestöjä mukaan vammaisia henkilöitä koskeviin päätöksentekoprosesseihin. Tutkielma pyrkii selvittämään, pääsivätkö vammaisjärjestöt osallistumaan tarpeeksi laajasti vammaispalvelulakiuudistuksen prosessiin. Toisena tutkimuskysymyksenä on, pystyivätkö vammaisjärjestöt lopulta vaikuttamaan valmistellun hallituksen esityksen sisältöön. Tämän tutkielman laajempana tavoitteena on kuvata vammaisjärjestöjen asemaa vammaisia henkilöitä koskevissa päätöksentekoprosesseissa. Tutkielmaa varten on haastateltu kolmea vammaisjärjestön edustajaa, jotka ovat olleet vammaispalvelulain uudistusta varten perustetun osallisuustyöryhmän jäseniä. Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu vammaisuutta käsittelevän kirjallisuuden ja lainsäädännön, sekä valtaa ja asiantuntijavaltaa tarkastelevien teorioiden pohjalle. Lisäksi tutkielmassa esitellään kansalaisjärjestöjen säädösprosesseihin osallistumisen, sekä vammaispalvelulain uudistuksen laajempaa taustaa. Tutkimusmenetelmänä toimii teoriaohjaava sisällönanalyysi, jonka kautta aineisto jakautuu osallistumisen, vaikuttamisen ja asiantuntijavallan teemoihin. Näiden kolmen analyysikategorian sisällä haastatteluaineistoa on analysoitu teoreettisen viitekehyksen avulla. Tutkielman mukaan vammaisjärjestöt kokivat päässeensä osallistumaan vammaispalvelulain uudistukseen kohtalaisen hyvin. Muun muassa osallisuustyöryhmään liittyvät haasteet kuitenkin heikensivät osallistumismahdollisuuksia. Kaikki haastatellut järjestöt kokivat pystyneensä vaikuttamaan vammaispalvelulain uudistukseen, mutta järjestöjen väliltä on löydettävissä suuria eroja niiden todellisessa vaikutusvallassa. Eroja selittää muun muassa vammaisjärjestöillä olevat erilaiset asiantuntijaroolit. Tutkielman perusteella merkittävintä vaikutusvaltaa oli niillä järjestöillä, joiden tavoitteita ajoivat palkatut juristit. Myös suorilla henkilökohtaisilla suhteilla lainsäädäntöprosessin keskeisiin toimijoihin oli merkitystä vaikutusvallan näkökulmasta. Tutkielma osoittaa, että vammaisjärjestöjen osallistumis- ja vaikuttamismahdollisuuksiin olisi kokonaisuudessaan syytä kiinnittää enemmän huomiota

    Resistance to Fusarium head blight in oats based on analyses of multiple field and greenhouse studies

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB) and the mycotoxins produced by its causal agents in oats (Avena sativaL.) have become a growing problem in northern countries over the last decades. The development of resistant cultivars would offer a highly needed and economical solution to the problem. To tackle the high genotypexenvironment interaction of FHB, a combined analysis was carried out on eight greenhouse and 13 field experiments inoculated with DON-producingFusariumspecies. Our data included 406 oat genotypes consisting of Nordic cultivars, breeding lines and potentially resistant gene bank accessions. High variation in the DON accumulation estimates in the material shows that the selection of genotypes with better resistance would be valuable. The greenhouse and field studies resulted in significantly different oat genotype susceptibility rankings for both DON andFusariuminfected kernels. The results obtained from the field experiments have more practical relevance for farmers and breeders for the identification of DON resistant cultivars than greenhouse screenings. Days to maturity and the plant height of the genotypes both significantly affected theFusariuminfections and DON in the field. The relationship betweenFusariuminfected kernels, DONand germination capacity provide an insight into the composition of genotypes with resistance. The core set of 30 oat genotypes, which were phenotyped in several experiments, provides valuable examples of both highly susceptible and moderately resistant oat genotypes.Peer reviewe

    Development of Revision Application for Android Devices

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    The goal of this thesis was to investigate and display how to develop a revision application for Android devices. Work has been restricted so that application must be developed using C#-code language and revision material is limited to logical problem-solving. The thesis has no commissioner and the subject has been chosen by the author. The theoretical portion deals with and investigates the demands and practices of modern software development and introduces development tools. Background information was collected from writer’s own personal experiences as well as from selected literature and internet sources. The practical portion consists writing an application plan that is based on the discoveries and selections in the theoretical portion and follows the restrictions set within the thesis. The practical application demo was excluded due to strict thesis writing schedule. The result was successful creation of the application plan that is functional and stays within the limitations. Result can be used as a base for future student ICT-projects or as an example for companies who would be interested in developing described application.Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoite oli tutkia ja esittää kuinka voitaisiin lähestyä kertausapplikaation kehittämistä Android-laitteille. Työtä on rajoitettu siten että applikaation koodauskieleksi on määritetty C#-koodikieli ja kertausmateriaali on rajattu vain loogiseen ongelmanratkaisuun. Opinnäytetyöllä ei ole toimeksiantajaa ja aihe onkin opiskelijan itsensä valitsema. Työn teoreettinen osuus käsittelee ja tutkii nykyaikaisen ohjelmistokehi-tyksen vaatimuksia ja käytänteitä ja esittelee kehittämistyökaluja. Tutkimusmateriaalina on käytetty kirjoittajan omia käyttökokemuksia sekä valikoituja kirjallisia ja internetlähteitä. Opinnäytetyön käytännön osuudessa laadittiin selkeä sovellussuunnitelma, joka pohjautui teoreettisen osuuden havaintoihin ja valintoihin ja noudatti työlle säädettyjä rajoituksia. Käytännöllistä sovellusdemoa ei kehitetty tiukan opinnäytetyön kirjoitusaikataulun vuoksi. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena syntyi toimiva ja hyödynnettävissä oleva sovellussuunnitelma joka pysyy rajoitusten puitteissa. Tulosta voidaan hyödyntää tulevaisuudessa pohjana opiskelijoiden ICT-projektille tai esimerkkinä yrityksille, jotka olisivat kiinnostuneita kehittämään työssä kuvailtua sovellusta

    Regional development zones in Finland: territorial cohesion and competitiveness

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    This article analyses regional development zones (RDZs). RDZs aim to combine economic growth with balanced regional development by directing development in a zonal way between growing centres and less central areas. The zones are generally formed along major roads or railroads between larger centres. RDZs cross many administrative borders and physically connect areas to each other. The empirical material of the study is derived from Finnish spatial planning documents at the national, regional and local levels as well as of semi-structural questionnaire (373 answers) and interviews with key actors involved in the studied RDZs. The OuKa RDZ crossing Finland in west-east direction between Oulu and Kuhmo is studied in-depth regarding the goals of the European Union Territorial Agenda. RDZs can become an important integrative tool for territorial cohesion as expressed in the Territorial Agenda. However, a more efficient concentration of functional activities and land use to core RDZ structures, as well as enhancement of the belongingness of inhabitants and key economic actors to the RDZ, are needed for this purpose

    Transcription Factor USF1 Is Required for Maintenance of Germline Stem Cells in Male Mice

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    A prerequisite for lifelong sperm production is that spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) balance self-renewal and differentiation, yet factors required for this balance remain largely undefined. Using mouse genetics, we now demonstrate that the ubiquitously expressed transcription factor upstream stimulatory factor (USF)1 is critical for the maintenance of SSCs. We show that USF1 is not only detected in Sertoli cells as previously reported, but also in SSCs. Usf1-deficient mice display progressive spermatogenic decline as a result of age-dependent loss of SSCs. According to our data, the germ cell defect in Usf1(-/-) mice cannot be attributed to impairment of Sertoli cell development, maturation, or function, but instead is likely due to an inability of SSCs to maintain a quiescent state. SSCs of Usf1(-/-) mice undergo continuous proliferation, which provides an explanation for their age-dependent depletion. The proliferation-coupled exhaustion of SSCs in turn results in progressive degeneration of the seminiferous epithelium, gradual decrease in sperm production, and testicular atrophy. We conclude that the general transcription factor USF1 is indispensable for the proper maintenance of mammalian spermatogenesis.Peer reviewe

    A loss-of-function variant in OSBPL1A predisposes to low plasma HDL cholesterol levels and impaired cholesterol efflux capacity

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    Background and aims: Among subjects with high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) below the 1st percentile in the general population, we identified a heterozygous variant OSBPL1A p.C39X encoding a short truncated protein fragment that co-segregated with low plasma HDL-C. Methods: We investigated the composition and function of HDL from the carriers and non-carriers and studied the properties of the mutant protein in cultured hepatocytes. Results: Plasma HDL-C and apolipoprotein (apo) A-I were lower in carriers versus non-carriers, whereas the other analyzed plasma components or HDL parameters did not differ. Sera of the carriers displayed a reduced capacity to act as cholesterol efflux acceptors (p <0.01), whereas the cholesterol acceptor capacity of their isolated HDL was normal. Fibroblasts from a p.C39X carrier showed reduced cholesterol efflux to lipid-free apoA-I but not to mature HDL particles, suggesting a specific defect in ABCA1-mediated efflux pathway. In hepatic cells, GFP-OSBPL1A partially co-localized in endosomes containing fluorescent apoA-I, suggesting that OSBPL1A may regulate the intracellular handling of apoA-I. The GFP-OSBPL1A-39X mutant protein remained in the cytosol and failed to interact with Rab7, which normally recruits OSBPL1A to late endosomes/lysosomes, suggesting that this mutation represents a loss-of-function. Conclusions: The present work represents the first characterization of a human OSBPL1A mutation. Our observations provide evidence that a familial loss-of-function mutation in OSBPL1A affects the first step of the reverse cholesterol transport process and associates with a low HDL-C phenotype. This suggests that rare mutations in OSBPL genes may contribute to dyslipidemias. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe